Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Out of the rat race

Julie's musings on time

And so it begins.  The first week in Guatemala I realized just how much I liked being busy.  I mean what mom doesn't complain about not having time to rest or read or do just about anything by choice?  So originally the idea of having untethered time seemed incredible.  "Oh, the year off"," I told everyone,  "We will have so much time to just be!"  Well, the first day, I sat on the patio, then I sat on the terrace, then I made coffee and returned to those places....  I read books, I read my Bible, I talked to my kids, we played games (every game we brought), I thought deep thoughts and then it was lunchtime. "Lord have mercy what am I going to do?" I thought to myself.  How many time have I quoted "Be still and know that I am God" to myself.  For me that seemed to say, "When you are in the carpool line and have fifteen minutes don't waste the time -spend it in my presence."  So now that I have more time than I know what to do with, I find myself hesitating to be still.  Once I am still I have to wrestle with who I am, what I know to be true and how that matters.  If I stay busy, if I let the tyranny of urgency be my guide I can feel good about myself and my desire to "be still".  So after a week of absolutely nothing to accomplish, no lists to check off, I realized I have a lot to learn this year. I am humbled by the fact that I have desired something I don't even understand how to appreciate yet.   I have a lot to understand about the idea of living intentionally.


  1. So good to hear from you guys. I'm sure you have quite the learning curve down there. The kids up here got started off to school, despite all of the dramatic anticipation of Freshman year! Kayla was very nervous until she got in the door. By noon pickup she was all smiles and our world was back on a normal track. I bet your kids are picking up on things faster than you are. Oh, to be young again. LOL! We miss you guys and wonder often how you are doing. Hang in there. I know wonderful things are in store for you all!!


    1. I'm so glad to hear school started well. I know Kayla must be loving high school! They were so ready. The kids are picking up everything quickly. I hope to post more photos of what life looks like for us here soon. Thanks for keeping up with us!

  2. Love this and it totally makes sense. Love that you're even getting the chance to try to learn it. So thankful y'all are there and can journal in this way so we can learn, too.


    1. Thanks Lesli! I am slowly unwinding. It is a wonderful gift. Maybe by the time I return I will be on latin time! We had the most lovely meal the other night and thought about how much you guys would have loved sharing it with us!

  3. Wow wow wow...so well put. I get what you're feeling. I remember those moments of long drawn out spaces in Africa and Mexico. Time...
    I remember. I (in some ways) am so jealous of you! You will grow much and have a full tank of that intentional living to pour into your dear ole friends when you return. Oh that we all may live intentionally right where we are at. Not the busy, hurried paces (tyrany of the urgent as you stated) that occupy so much of our American culture. One of our teaching pastors stated that anything we do that is not trying to provide for our daily sustenance is leisure (compared with those in other nations). That's a mighty deep (and convicting) thought. It sure makes me zip my lips when tempted to complain about carpooling here, there and yonder. Enjoy, my friend - getting out of the American rat race - savor and know you are loved, thought of and missed !
    Love you,
    Mary Kane

    1. Mary Kane, It has been so interesting to watch our family as we settle in. Some of us are better at being still than others. I bet you can guess which ones! I am adapting better this week. Since this is our third week we are in a routine and are rising with the sun and going to bed with the sun. I like the idea that any time we spend not related to providing for our daily sustenance is leisure. What a thought! Already I have been around so much need and yet so much love. This week with both kids sick and no walk in clinic my Spanish teacher took me to the market and taught me how to make a healing soup. Quite a different experience than Walgreens! We miss you guys!

    2. I failed already!....the traffic around all these East Tennessee schools is terrible and I am so prone to get stressed by it - irritated and hurried. Jesus help me drive better and accept what is placed in my path.
      Hmmm...healing soup. That is an experience. I guess the nice thing is that you aren't so hurried to have them , "get well". That's kind of a funny sentiment if you think about it...Get Well. A little demanding expression of well wishing - haha.
      I'm amusing myself...love you and I hope Janie and Jacob will feel better soon.

  4. I enjoyed reading your thoughts as you decompress from the American lifestyle! Most have a difficult time with the psalmists suggestiion to "be still". It is something that I have had to learn myself over the years. To stop and protect my quiet time for myself, my family and my Loed. I love what you are doing as a family and I know that this year will provide experiences and lessons that will bear fruit for you for years to come. Can't wait to follow along with you online! (btw) you surroundings look absolutely beautiful!
    Godspeed .
    Judy Cunningham

    1. Judy, I am acclimating now that this is our third week,but I don't know if I will ever be as still as some members of my family:) It is absolutely gorgeous here. The flowers and volcanoes and colored houses create a masterpiece every way you look. It is hard not to just be in awe at every turn.I feel like I take a photo with every step I take. I am so glad to be able to keep up with you! Hope school is off to a great start.

  5. So excited that you are getting acclimated and learning the language. For all that God has purposed and planned for your time in Guatemala...may you have eyes to see and ears to hear all that the Spirit is showing you. Keep writing. Stay encouraged. Thinking of you. Much love! Kathy
